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I love the game so far, but there are a few errors like Raven said. The Snake house, the embrace the darkness, and fight it all give an error message.

I like Rin.
Very cunning. ^_^

The CG art is stunningly beautiful.

There is an error in the game after the choice to 'embrace the darkness' (with Rin).
It pops up an error page that the only thing you can do with it rollback.
I assume it's meant to be an ending there, but it's just the error page.

I got the exact same error message if I tried to fight it, fyi.

You might want to look into fixing that.

Loading the game is a little bit convoluted, in my opinion.
It's not bad. Just a minor hassle compared to other games.

Warning: Minor/some spoilers below this.





PERFECT portrayal of a yandere btw!
He never hurts you until you force his hand. ^_^
He's really sweet.
And I think if you explained to him you'd want him to come with you he wouldn't hold you back from going anywhere you wanted. I'd love to see a choice for that kind of ending.
But I guess the mc is too stupid to think of that solution. *sigh*

Rin's super-sweet tho. ❤️

The ending where his...ah....-sharper- edge came out (assuming it WAS an ending) was lacking something to say it was an ending.
I can't be sure it wasn't just unfinished tho.
Nothing truly stops you from moving forward, I think.
It was a bit unclear what exactly was going on at the end...

My point is: Please write down that it is the end when there is an end.
Maybe with an end name?
Assuming it WAS an end.
I'm still not sure. lol

It's very short as of yet, so I look forward to see more of the game when more is created.

...wait, maybe there IS more...
I went back to the campfire scene, and discovered more content with that choice. lol

Oh, and there's another error if you go to the Snake House in the menu selection.


The artwork in this game is beautiful, and the story intriguing.
(Although I only played Rin's route.)

It feels like it branches out from the camp/bonfire place, into many small routes, but it always seem to end up in the same place.

In linear terms, the game is really short. But the choices makes it more complex --even if the endings are limited.
(And some currently bugged, but I'm sure the game creator will fix that.)

The writing was good, and the character creation seemed very good too.

But I really liked it thus far. ^_^

I really love this game!I love it!I got the END 1 and I'm still crying so much.I thought it would be the sad ending ,but I'm glad that it's not.I was so glad to see that we get to see a happy ending where MC and Yuga gets married.But I really thought that Yuga is dead and that's it ,it really touched me to the core.I didn't expect to get so attached to a characther ,but we got married so my heart is at peace now.I love Yuga ,but I'm really curios about Rin backstory because it has some errors while playing.Still love it !


I super duper love this game! the artstyle is cool and i can tell a lot of love has been put into it. its a little buggy in the sense that i encountered a scripterror in some of the scenes but im sure that will be fixed in time <3. i would love more rin backstory content though!!!